General Information and Inquires
If you are interested in contacting Plum Tree, please select from the following:
Email us
Do you want to email one of our mortgage consultants. Click here to send an email.
Or simply call one of our mortgage consultants during normal business hours at 503-493-2353.
To Apply for a Loan
Ready to apply for a loan? You have four convenient options to get your
loan started. Click here to start an application.
Or simply call one of our mortgage consultants during normal business hours at 503-493-2353.
Careers at Plum Tree
With symbols of the growth and stability, the Plum Tree Brand represent peace of
mind to people when it's needed most. Our commitment to helping clients
secure a personal solution for their financial needs is a refreshing
change from banking of the past. Today, our brand represents over
two-thousand loan products from a variety of banking institutions.
We help clients select mortgage products.
We manage the process for individuals, institutions, trusts, partnerships and other
clients in the purchase, refinance and equity access of real estate. Plum Tree Mortgage is an exciting place to be as we begin the new millennium.
Plum Tree Mortgage, Inc.
Pearl District Branch
1126 NW Marshall Street
Portland, OR 97209
more information contact us via email, or call 503-493-2353.
help clients see the whole picture.